Treatment Centers
Treatment Centers
Patients in residential and outpatient treatment centers use music therapy as a powerful creative outlet to work through deep and difficult emotions that come up in their recovery.
We create songs, improvise with a range of instruments, promote relaxation, and encourage patients to use music as a creative and emotional outlet.
We provide both group and individual sessions.
Behavioral Hospitals
Behavioral Hospitals
Behavioral Hospitals benefit tremendously by adding music therapy to their treatment regimen. Patients in acute care settings often find relief in music therapy, and are able to address their core issues in a constructive and deeply beneficial way.
A nurse who observes our groups reported “music therapy is the one therapy I see here that really works. Nine times out of ten I see patients walking out of there feeling better. It really makes a difference.”
Private Clients
Private Clients
In 1:1 music therapy we create music and connect real life with meaningful music experiences. We see children, teens, and adults with Anxiety, Depression, trauma, grief, and other mental health challenges.
One client reports, “the music therapy my daughter received was hands down the most positive, empowering and effective influence she has ever had in treating her anxiety. It has changed both of our lives for the best forever!”
Why Use Music Therapy in Mental Health?
As an expressive therapy, music therapy helps clients connect to their emotions and experiences on a new level. Traumatic experiences are often stored in sensory memories instead of verbal and are can be very difficult to access through traditional verbal therapy. Expressive therapies such as music and art can tap into these areas and help clients increase self awareness and begin the road to healing and discovery.
Clients often find it easier to express themselves through music using existing songs or writing music/lyrics to describe their experiences. A trained therapist supports that experience and guides the client to promote growth and change. Music therapy sessions include the use of active music making, music listening, and discussion.
We contract with residential treatment centers, hospitals, and foster care programs in Salt Lake, Davis, and Utah Counties to provide both group and individual therapy. We serve children, adolescents and adults in both outpatient and residential settings, as well as private clients in our Midvale clinic.
What We Address
Reduced muscle tension
Improved self-image/Increased self-esteem
Decreased anxiety/agitation
Increased verbalization
Enhanced interpersonal relationships
Improved group cohesiveness
Increased motivation
Successful and safe emotional release
How We Use Music
Song writing
Lyric Analysis
Instrument Improvisation
Music Listening
Song re-creation
Song Parody