music at home

7 Reasons Why Music Helps Parents (and Kids!) Get Along Better at Home

Using music at home is more important than most parents realize. Here are 7 reasons why parents should use music with their children. Parent-child interactions are directly related to children’s language, cognitive, and social-communicative development. The way parents respond to their child’s needs and signals with sensitivity, warmth, and acceptance directly affect’s their child’s feelings of..

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early intervention

A Developmental “Boost”: Rationale for Music Therapy in Early Intervention

Children respond to music, plain and simple. What parents and providers may not know is that music therapy can play a significant role in early intervention to help a child reach his or her potential. Whether you have a child who is typically developing or has special needs, music plays a big role in development. Children respond to music naturally, without..

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special needs children

Music Therapy Success Stories with Special Needs Children

Children with special needs make significant gains with music therapy. Here are a few examples. In all honesty, “Music Therapy Success Stories” is a hard subject for a post–and not because the stories are hard to find. Quite the contrary, actually. There are thousands and thousands of touching stories of music therapy with special needs children that..

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special needs children

Special Needs Children: Every Child Has the Potential to Grow

At Harmony Music Therapy we work with many special needs children. With all of them, our philosophy is that “Every child has the potential to Grow”. I firmly believe that philosophy and hold to it with every client I see. I recently had a conversation with a client’s mother about her daughter’s progress in music therapy..

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